Bird Watching
About Bird Watching for Tablelands
Of the 760 or so bird species in Australia, more than 300 can be found on the relatively small area known as the Atherton Tablelands, also known as the Cairns Highlands.
Atherton is a haven for birding, birdwatchers, photographers, artists and natural history enthusiasts. Hallorans Hill, Hastie Swamp, The Crater, Nardello's Lagoon, Lakes Eacham & Barrine, Mt Baldy, Curtain Fig, Wongabel Forest and Bromfield Swamp are within a 5 -15 min drive.
You will delight in viewing White-cheeked Honeyeaters, Scarlet Honeyeaters and a variety of other Honeyeaters feeding in the 'Bottle Brush trees'. Lorikeets, Rosellas, Kingfishers, Dollarbirds, Kookaburras, Cockatoos and a variety of other species make Atherton Tablelands a very diverse birding haven.
Thirteen rare species: Victoria's Riflebird, Chowchilla, Golden Bowerbird, Tooth-billed Bowerbird, Mountain Thornbill, Macleay's Honeyeater, Bridled Honeyeater, Grey-headed Robin, Bower's Shrike-thrush, Pied Monarch, Atherton Scrubwren, Fernwren and Lesser Sooty Owl are reasonably easy to find for serious Atherton Tablelands birding enthusiasts, but are found nowhere else in Australia.
Species restricted to higher elevation
Golden Bowerbird... The Crater, Baldy Mt Walk, Bartle Mt Walk
Tooth-billed Bowerbird... Lake Eacham, The Crater
Mountain Thornbill... The Crater, Baldy Mt Walk
Species absent from lower elevation
Fern wren... The Crater, Kauri Creek Walk, Lake Barrine, Baldy Mt Walk
Atherton Scrub wren... The Crater, Lake Barrine
Bridled Honeyeater... Atherton [winter], The Crater, Lake Eacham
Grey-headed Robin... Lake Eacham, The Crater
Bowers Shrike-thrush... Lake Eacham, Lake Barrine, The Crater
Species unrestricted by elevation
Lesser Sooty Owl... all sites
Macleay's Honeyeater... Lake Eacham
Chowchilla... The Crater, Lake Barrine
Pied Monarch... Lake Barrine, Lake Eacham, Curtain Fig, Wongabel Botanical Walk
Victoria's Riflebird... all sites
Other Sites
Hasties Swamp - Birds of shallow wetlands, best viewed between July and November, and open forest. Birds to be found include: Whistling Ducks, Magpie Geese, Sarus Cranes and Brolgas.
Nardello's Lagoon - Birds of permanent wetlands.
Bromfield Swamp - Regular roost site of Sarus Crane and Brolga, best viewed between June and November.
Mareeba Wetlands - including Pink-eared Ducks, Green and Cotton Pygmy-geese, Grebes, Whistling Ducks, Wood Ducks, Black Swans, Magpie Geese, Egrets and Spoonbills, Jacanas, Jabirus and Brolgas, Gouldian Finch.
Article and photographs supplied by John Donovan of Atherton Blue Gum B&B
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